
KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 is a public institution providing a comprehensive undergraduate and graduate curriculum to approximately 3,500名学生代表了所有州和50个不同的国家. Dozens of degree programs on the undergraduate level provide educational opportunities in the Colleges of 艺术s and 科学, 业务, 教育和罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院. 硕士的研究生课程, 教育专家, 博士学位提供广泛学科的高级培训.

承认它最初是一所师范学院, the University sustains excellence in teacher education while continuing to expand offerings in traditional as well as unique programs of study. 从核心学科,如艺术, 人文学科, 与科学, 到商业航空等独特的项目, 德尔塔音乐学院, 以及国家认可的地理空间信息技术项目, 大学致力于满足其所服务的学生不断变化的需求.



  • 一个学生创造的吉祥物变成了传奇. 对秋葵的恐惧可能不是真正的恐惧,但它足以让一群人行动起来.


  • 好像总有人在院子里做好吃的东西. 我们保证娱乐活动会很有趣,食物也会很好吃!


  • 校园里经常可以听到美妙的音乐声, 在建筑, 在每次活动中, 甚至即兴集会. 我们的才能不能隐藏在这里.

  • 三角州 & Cleveland are not shy to have a festival to bring people together for food, fun, and activity. 一些节日包括十月节,意大利节,其他节, & 十字艺术节.


  • 这个一年一度的活动以聚会、烹饪比赛、赛前动员会和足球赛而闻名. 拣猪是参观的好时机!

表达式 & 艺术

  • 我们的学生不仅会唱歌,还会画画、雕刻、制模、摄影、设计和创作. 来自我们富有创造力的团体的艺术作品增强了三角洲州的美丽.



学生 at KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 will learn and grow in an environment that fosters discovery and creativity. The institution intends to be the best regional university in America as it combines a heritage of academic strength with a robust commitment to serving people and communities, 特别是在密西西比三角洲.


作为一所位于克利夫兰的地区性卡内基硕士大学, 密西西比州, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 serves as an educational and 文化 center for the 密西西比州 Delta, emphasizing service to the Delta and contiguous counties in traditional and distance education formats. 大学招收本科生, graduate and continuing education programs of study leading to baccalaureate and master’s degrees in the Colleges of 艺术s and 科学, 商务及航空, 教育与人文科学, 和护理学院, as well as the Educational Specialist degree and Doctorates in Education and 护理 Practice. 重点放在卓越的教学上, 其次是服务和研究, 在创建一个学者社区. 特别注意小班授课, 友好的环境, 以及广泛的文科基础, 学校鼓励师生之间的互动. 三角洲州提供促进智力发展的项目和服务, 文化, 道德, 物理, 社会发展. 来自不同文化背景的学生, 社会经济, and ethnic backgrounds will develop the ability to respect and value others; to develop, 评估, and express their own thoughts effectively; and, 运用与其学科相关的研究和绩效技术.



KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载是一个由教师组成的社区, 工作人员, 学生们认识到学校的使命,并致力于实现它. 为此目的,社区的每个成员都承诺尽最大努力. 正直、文明、负责和追求卓越的承诺支配着我们的行为. 遵守适用法律, 规定, 政策被期望并被接受为社区的标准.


承认它最初是一所师范学院, the University sustains excellence in teacher education while also continuing to expand offerings in traditional as well as new areas of study. 从核心学科,如艺术, 人文学科, 科学和独特的项目,如商业航空和社区发展, the University is committed to meeting the ever-changing and evolving needs of the students it serves. It sustains quality in those programs by maintaining accreditation of all programs for which an accrediting agency exists.

致力于学习,奖学金, & 学生参与
三角州 provides programs that cultivate intellectual curiosity and promote scholarship among its students. 通过最先进的图书馆和校园计算机实验室网络, 学生有机会获得全方位的信息资源,以支持学习. The University also acknowledges the importance of student engagement as central to successful learning. Toward that end the University has dedicated its quality enhancement plan as required for regional accreditation to increased student engagement. 为学生提供社区参与和服务学习体验, 大学设立了一个办公室和教师的角色来维持这些努力.

三角州 recognizes the need for a vibrant creative and performing arts program for its students and the region. The renovation of Jobe Hall provides a state-of-the-art theatre facility for student productions. 穿过博洛尼亚表演艺术中心, 德尔塔音乐学院, 珍妮丝·怀亚特·萨默艺术学院, 并与德尔塔艺术联盟合作, 大学确保整个地区的艺术得到保护和提升.

鼓励创新 & 实验
三角洲州赞同创新和实验的原则, 并使其成为其制度文化的一部分. The University acknowledges the importance of an environment where students and faculty can undertake risks and experiment with new ideas.

尊重他人 & 的想法
三角洲州提倡相互尊重、团队合作、公平和诚信. 大学努力创造一种氛围,让学生, 员工, 选民得到重视和培育. Through an ongoing re-engineering project the University converts these principles into action.

三角洲州提倡促进学生发展的校园文化. 从一系列的学生服务到全国公认的体育项目, the University is dedicated to ensuring that the full range of student needs and interests are met.

三角州 acknowledges its role as a public institution funded largely by the citizens of 密西西比州. 为了表彰公众的信任, the University is committed to high standards of excellence with appropriate emphasis on effectiveness and productivity.

对区域的承诺 & 经济发展
三角州, 与各种组织合作, will advance community and 经济 development in the Delta region to improve the quality of life and raise the educational level of its citizens. Special attention is given to collaboration with our educational partners: 密西西比州 Valley State University, 科霍马社区学院, 密西西比三角洲社区学院, 密西西比州教育部, 以及三角洲地区的K-12学校. 此外, 三角洲文化与学习中心, 卡普斯档案馆, 商业研究中心, and the Center for Community and Economic Development provide a structure to ensure University participation in promoting and celebrating the unique heritage of the Delta while also addressing the longstanding social, 经济, 以及阻碍发展的文化挑战.

三角州 acknowledges the importance of 物理 health for its students and the region and extends its resources in support of that goal. Through undergraduate and graduate programs in nursing and preprofessional programs in the sciences, 该大学提供保健从业人员为国家服务. 大学是三角洲健康联盟的主要合作伙伴, a collaborative effort with other Delta stakeholders that conducts research and provides education on the health care needs of the region.

教学承诺 & 教师发展
KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的学术课程质量是其教育使命的核心. That quality is affirmed through a dedicated faculty with credentials appropriate to their discipline. The University supports high standards of quality among its faculty and maintains those standards through the Technology Learning Center, 一个现代化的教师发展办公室,致力于将技术应用于教学, 并通过肯特和珍妮丝·怀亚特教师发展计划, 这是一项为教师成长提供资源的大学基金会倡议.

三角州 is actively involved in providing programs that train leaders for the twenty-first century. 通过与凯洛格基金会的合作, 三角洲地区委员会, 三角洲地区管理局, 以及其他三角洲地区致力于发展的组织, the University is confident it can make a difference in the quality and training of the leaders who will serve on behalf of future generations.


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载比其他地区的大学更实惠. 三角洲州提供财政援助和学生就业. 另外,州外费用为零!


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的师生比例是11:1, 比州内其他大学要小得多. We also offer a mix of traditional and online classes giving students to take classes that fit their schedule best.


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载被评为排名第一的RN到BSN在线课程1 在线护理硕士学位排名第二2.


DMI拥有世界一流的录音设备, 格莱美™U, 密西西比州格莱美博物馆的机会, 以及移动录音室.


International students are welcomed in both undergraduate and graduate programs as full-time or exchange students. 三角州 provides short term study abroad experiences that allow students to better understand the impact of culture on business.


三角州 is the only 4-year university in the state that offers a bachelor’s and master’s degree in commercial aviation.